BusyInfo Member List

This is the complete list of members for BusyInfo, including all inherited members.

disposed()wxObject [protected]
dtor()BusyInfo [protected]
extern(C) private void VirtualDispose(IntPtr ptr)wxObject [static]
FindObject(IntPtr ptr, newfunc New)wxObject [static]
FindObject(IntPtr ptr)wxObject [static]
function(IntPtr wxobj) new funcwxObject [static]
memOwnwxObject [protected]
RemoveObject(IntPtr ptr)wxObject [static]
SafePtr(wxObject obj)wxObject [static]
this(IntPtr wxobj)BusyInfo
this(string message)BusyInfo
this(string message, Window parent)BusyInfo

Generated on Sun Feb 1 21:30:30 2009 for wxD by  doxygen 1.5.4