AcceleratorEntry | |
AcceleratorTable | |
ActivateEvent | |
ANIHandler | |
App | The wxApp class represents the application itself |
ArgumentException | |
ArgumentNullException | |
ArrayInt | |
ArrayString | |
ArrayTreeItemIds | |
ArtProvider | |
Bitmap | |
BitmapButton | |
BitmapList | |
BMPHandler | |
BoxSizer | |
Brush | |
BrushList | |
BufferedDC | |
BufferedPaintDC | |
BusyCursor | |
BusyInfo | |
Button | |
CalculateLayoutEvent | |
CalendarCtrl | |
CalendarDateAttr | |
CalendarEvent | |
Caret | |
CaretSuspend | |
CheckBox | |
CheckListBox | |
ChildFocusEvent | |
Choice | |
ClientData | |
ClientDC | |
Clipboard | |
ClipboardLocker | |
CloseEvent | |
Colour | |
ColourData | |
ColourDatabase | |
ColourDialog | |
Column | |
ColumnMapping | |
ComboBox | |
CommandEvent | |
Condition | WxCondition models a POSIX condition variable which allows one (or more) thread(s) to wait until some condition is fulfilled |
Config | |
ContextMenuEvent | |
Control | This is the base class for a control or "widget". A control is generally a small window which processes user input and/or displays one or more item of data |
CriticalSection | Critical section: this is the same as mutex but is only visible to the threads of the same process. For the platforms which don't have native support for critical sections, they're implemented entirely in terms of mutexes |
CriticalSectionLocker | |
CURHandler | |
Cursor | |
DataFormat | |
DataObject | |
DataObjectSimple | |
DbGrid | |
DC | |
DefaultDockArt | This is the default art provider for wxFrameManager. Dock art can be customized by creating a class derived from this one |
Dialog | A dialog box is a window with a title bar and sometimes a system menu, which can be moved around the screen. It can contain controls and other windows and is usually used to allow the user to make some choice or to answer a question |
DirDialog | |
Display | |
DisplayChangedEvent | |
DockArt | Dock art provider code - a dock provider provides all drawing functionality to the wxAui dock manager. This allows the dock manager to have plugable look-and-feels |
DropSource | |
DropTarget | |
EncodingConverter | |
EraseEvent | |
Event | |
EvtHandler | A class that can handle events from the windowing system. wxWindow (and therefore all window classes) are derived from this class |
FileDataObject | |
FileDialog | |
FileDropTarget | |
FindDialogEvent | |
FindReplaceData | |
FindReplaceDialog | |
FlexGridSizer | |
FocusEvent | |
Font | |
FontData | |
FontDialog | |
FontEnumerator | |
FontList | |
FontMapper | |
Frame | A frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed by the user. It usually has thick borders and a title bar, and can optionally contain a menu bar, toolbar and status bar. A frame can contain any window that is not a frame or dialog |
FrameManager | |
FrameManagerEvent | |
Gauge | |
GBPosition | |
GBSizerItem | |
GBSpan | |
GDIObject | |
GIFHandler | |
GLCanvas | |
GLContext | |
Grid | |
GridBagSizer | |
GridCellAttr | |
GridCellAttrProvider | |
GridCellAutoWrapStringEditor | |
GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer | |
GridCellBoolEditor | |
GridCellBoolRenderer | |
GridCellChoiceEditor | |
GridCellCoords | |
GridCellDateTimeRenderer | |
GridCellEditor | |
GridCellEnumEditor | |
GridCellEnumRenderer | |
GridCellFloatEditor | |
GridCellFloatRenderer | |
GridCellNumberEditor | |
GridCellNumberRenderer | |
GridCellStringRenderer | |
GridCellTextEditor | |
GridCellWorker | |
GridEditorCreatedEvent | |
GridEvent | |
GridRangeSelectEvent | |
GridSizeEvent | |
GridSizer | |
HelpEvent | |
HtmlCell | |
HtmlColourCell | |
HtmlContainerCell | |
HtmlEasyPrinting | |
HtmlEntitiesParser | |
HtmlFilter | |
HtmlFilterPlainText | |
HtmlFontCell | |
HtmlHelpController | |
HtmlLinkInfo | |
HtmlListBox | |
HtmlParser | |
HtmlProcessor | |
HtmlRenderingInfo | |
HtmlSelection | |
HtmlTag | |
HtmlTagHandler | |
HtmlTagsModule | |
HtmlWidgetCell | |
HtmlWindow | |
HtmlWinParser | |
HtmlWinTagHandler | |
HtmlWordCell | |
ICloneable | |
ICOHandler | |
Icon | |
IconizeEvent | |
IControlWithItems | |
IDisposable | |
IdleEvent | |
Image | |
ImageHandler | |
ImageHistogram | |
ImageHistogramEntry | |
ImageList | |
InitDialogEvent | |
InvalidOperationException | |
JPEGHandler | |
KeyEvent | |
LanguageInfo | |
LayoutAlgorithm | |
Listbook | |
ListbookEvent | |
ListBox | |
ListCtrl | |
ListEvent | |
ListItem | |
ListItemAttr | |
ListView | |
Locale | |
Log | |
Mask | |
MaximizeEvent | |
MDIChildFrame | |
MDIClientWindow | |
MDIParentFrame | |
MemoryDC | |
Menu | |
MenuBar | |
MenuBase | |
MenuItem | |
MenuListener | |
MessageDialog | |
MiniFrame | |
MouseCaptureChangedEvent | |
MouseEvent | |
MoveEvent | |
MultiChoiceDialog | |
Mutex | A mutex object is a synchronization object whose state is set to signaled when it is not owned by any thread, and nonsignaled when it is owned. Its name comes from its usefulness in coordinating mutually-exclusive access to a shared resource. Only one thread at a time can own a mutex object |
MutexLocker | |
NavigationKeyEvent | |
NCPaintEvent | |
Notebook | |
NotebookEvent | |
NotebookSizer | |
NotifyEvent | |
NullPointerException | |
NullReferenceException | |
NumberEntryDialog | |
PageSetupDialog | |
PageSetupDialogData | |
PaintDC | |
PaintEvent | |
Palette | |
PaletteChangedEvent | |
PaneInfo | |
Panel | A panel is a window on which controls are placed. It is usually placed within a frame. It contains minimal extra functionality over and above its parent class wxWindow; its main purpose is to be similar in appearance and functionality to a dialog, but with the flexibility of having any window as a parent |
PCXHandler | |
Pen | |
PenList | |
PNGHandler | |
PNMHandler | |
Point | |
PreviewCanvas | |
PreviewControlBar | |
PreviewFrame | |
PrintData | |
PrintDialog | |
PrintDialogData | |
Printer | |
Printout | |
PrintPreview | |
ProgressDialog | |
QueryLayoutInfoEvent | |
QueryNewPaletteEvent | |
RadioBox | |
RadioButton | |
Rectangle | |
Region | |
RegionIterator | |
SashEdge | |
SashEvent | |
SashLayoutWindow | |
SashWindow | |
ScrollBar | |
ScrolledWindow | |
Semaphore | WxSemaphore: a counter limiting the number of threads concurrently accessing a shared resource |
SetCursorEvent | |
ShowEvent | |
SingleChoiceDialog | |
Size | |
SizeEvent | |
Sizer | |
SizerItem | |
Slider | |
SListener | |
Sound | |
SpinButton | |
SpinCtrl | |
SpinEvent | |
SplashScreen | |
SplashScreenWindow | |
SplitterWindow | |
StaticBitmap | |
StaticBox | |
StaticBoxSizer | |
StaticLine | |
StaticText | |
StatusBar | |
StringClientData | |
StyledTextCtrl | |
StyledTextEvent | |
SysColourChangedEvent | |
SystemSettings | |
TabCtrl | |
TabEvent | |
TaskBarIcon | |
TaskBarIconEvent | |
TextAttr | |
TextCtrl | |
TextDataObject | |
TextDropTarget | |
TextEntryDialog | |
TextUrlEvent | |
Thread | WxThread: class encapsulating a thread of execution |
ThreadHelper | WxThreadHelper: this class implements the threading logic to run a background task in another object (such as a window). It is a mix-in: just derive from it to implement a threading background task in your class |
ThreadHelperThread | |
TIFFHandler | |
Timer | |
TipProvider | |
TipWindow | |
ToggleButton | |
ToolBar | |
ToolBarTool | |
ToolTip | |
TreeCtrl | |
TreeEvent | |
TreeItemAttr | |
TreeItemData | |
TreeItemId | |
UpdateUIEvent | |
Validator | |
VideoMode | |
VisualAttributes | |
VListBox | |
VScrolledWindow | |
Window | WxWindow is the base class for all windows and represents any visible object on screen. All controls, top level windows and so on are windows. Sizers and device contexts are not, however, as they don't appear on screen themselves |
WindowCreateEvent | |
WindowDC | |
WindowDestroyEvent | |
WindowDisabler | |
Wizard | |
WizardEvent | |
WizardPage | |
WizardPageSimple | |
wxDateTime | |
wxObject | This is the root class of all wxWidgets classes. It declares a virtual destructor which ensures that destructors get called for all derived class objects where necessary |
wxString | |
XmlResource | |
XPMHandler | |