FrameManager Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for FrameManager:

EvtHandler wxObject IDisposable

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 this (IntPtr wxobj)
 this (Frame frame=null, uint flags=wxFrameManagerOption.wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT)
void UnInit ()
void SetFlags (uint flags)
uint GetFlags ()
void SetFrame (Frame frame)
Frame GetFrame ()
void SetArtProvider (DockArt art_provider)
DockArt GetArtProvider ()
PaneInfo GetPane (Window window)
PaneInfo GetPane (char[] name)
int GetPaneCount ()
PaneInfo GetPane (int index)
bool AddPane (Window window, PaneInfo pane_info)
bool AddPane (Window window, int direction=Direction.wxLEFT, string caption="")
bool InsertPane (Window window, PaneInfo pane_info, int insert_level=wxPaneInsertLevel.wxAUI_INSERT_PANE)
bool DetachPane (Window window)
char[] SavePerspective ()
bool LoadPerspective (char[] perspective, bool update=true)
void Update ()
void EVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON (EventListener lsnr)

Static Public Member Functions

static this ()

Static Public Attributes

static EventType wxEVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

this ( IntPtr  wxobj  ) 

Reimplemented from EvtHandler.

this ( Frame  frame = null,
uint  flags = wxFrameManagerOption.wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT 

static this (  )  [static]

Member Function Documentation

void UnInit (  ) 

void SetFlags ( uint  flags  ) 

uint GetFlags (  ) 

void SetFrame ( Frame  frame  ) 

Frame GetFrame (  ) 

void SetArtProvider ( DockArt  art_provider  ) 

DockArt GetArtProvider (  ) 

PaneInfo GetPane ( Window  window  ) 

PaneInfo GetPane ( char[]  name  ) 

int GetPaneCount (  ) 

PaneInfo GetPane ( int  index  ) 

bool AddPane ( Window  window,
PaneInfo  pane_info 

bool AddPane ( Window  window,
int  direction = Direction.wxLEFT,
string  caption = "" 

bool InsertPane ( Window  window,
PaneInfo  pane_info,
int  insert_level = wxPaneInsertLevel.wxAUI_INSERT_PANE 

bool DetachPane ( Window  window  ) 

char [] SavePerspective (  ) 

bool LoadPerspective ( char[]  perspective,
bool  update = true 

void Update (  ) 

void EVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON ( EventListener  lsnr  ) 

Member Data Documentation

EventType wxEVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON [static]

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Generated on Sun Feb 1 21:30:22 2009 for wxD by  doxygen 1.5.4